Sunday 23 February 2020

Questions from a Finn...

Whenever a Finn has the oppourtunity to speak English - they will gladly take the chance and I am flattered that a typical shy Finn will want to speak with me in MY native language!

Mostly it's a chance for them to understand a different English-based accent better or to simply practice their own language skills.

Of course Finns are introduced to the English language at a fairly young age whilst studying languages in elementary school but also on television, the radio and in popular movies as well.

Here is a list of questions that I get asked on a regular basis whenever meeting a new Finnish person for the first time and throughout the conversation of getting to know each other:

  1. What brings you to Finland?
  2. Isn't Canada and Finland the same - in terms of nature and weather?
  3. What is your favourite ice hockey team?
  4. What parts of Finland have you been to?
  5. What is the best part for you - as a foreigner - about living in Finland?
  6. Where are you from in Canada?
    1. Is your weather similar to where you live in Finland?
  7. What do you think of Finland?
  8. What do you think of Finnish people in general?
  9. Do you like Finnish winter?
  10. Was it difficult to move your life and everything you knew to move here?
  11. Was it difficult to move your dogs here?
  12. What do you think of Finnish food?
  13. Do you know any Finnish?
    1. What words do you know?
    2. Do you know how to swear in Finnish?
  14. Do you watch sports?
  15. Do you drink Finnish beer?
  16. Do you like Finnish coffee?
  17. Have you ever tried this Finnish Easter dessert called 'Mämmi'?
    1. DO YOU LIKE IT?!
  18. What did you do in Canada - work or study?
  19. Why do your children have Finnish names?!
  20. Have your friends or family visited you in Finland yet?
  21. How often do you travel back to Canada to visit your family and friends?
  22. What do you think of ___insert current political thing that is viral or ongoing in the world___?
Typically in a bar setting - where I am waiting for a friend to return from the toilet or a smoke-break - I will be approached by some older drunk Finnish man and these are the questions I usually get - in combination with the ones I had above mentioned!:

  1. Where are you from?
  2. No really, where are you from?
  3. But ...*sigh* where are you REALLY from?
  4. I mean, where are your parents from?
  5. ...but where are YOU from - because you look a little Asian???
I never get offended by the repetitiveness of the questions - again as I said earlier - I am flattered that someone will ask me questions in my native language...especially when they realize that my Finnish language skills are absolutely horrible!!!


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