Sunday 23 February 2020

LAFA Interviews: Rock'n Style

Today was no ordinary day for was one in a million.
You see - I am a klutz.  A natural magnet for disasters and accidents...and it just so happens I fell down two steps while taking my dog out (while inside my building) and completely rolled over my left for the first time in my life - I had actually sprained something.  I have come close many times but this involved a trip to the ER and some X-Rays and a couple hours waiting in the yeah.  It's official - I badly sprained my ankle and came close to rupturing stuff in my foot the doctor said...but anyway...I am alive!

It also happened to be the day I had a hair appointment with Olli Teelmäki - owner of Rock'n Style hair salon and the interview was held afterward over some wings.

So needless to say - I was going to do this interview regardless of my ankle's condition!
I guess you can say I am fairly stubborn or determined!

I arrived quite early to Rock'n Style and was immediately warmly greeted by the other two hairstylists (whom I've never met before) and Olli.
I hobbled over to the bench and sat down while taking in the see, I have only been inside once or twice to say hi to Olli but never really took in the environment or the vibes of the place.

Of course there was rock music playing, customers were engaged in conversation with their stylists and the place was clean and bright with the clear contrasting colour scheme of black, red and white.

My hair cut was simple - clear off the dead ends, leave it long enough for me to put up neatly for work and maybe add a bit of layers.  We skipped the washing since I did it in the morning and we chatted about my incident with my stairs in the morning and saved the interview bit for dinner afterward.

"What are your credentials as a hair stylist?
In Finland some of the older barbers will have their certifications up on the wall and framed but I don't.  I graduated from ammattikoulu in Loimaa and I have done some extra courses of course but I did not go to business school for the entrepreneurship part of owning Rock'n Style.
Of course there are some lessons in barber school about how to be an entrepreneur.

Is this something you had always dreamed of doing?
Actually - no.  I have never had any kind of "dream job" ever.  When I was a very small kid my grandparents said that I wanted to be a gardener and grow sunflowers and vegetables.
Olli living the dream at 5-years old with those sunflowers!
In elementary school my favourite subjects were art and wood-crafting class.  I am a person who learns by doing - not from studying via books.

So when it was time to decide what I wanted to study for my post-secondary education - my first choice was being a barber.  The second choice was carpentry.

Have you always been a hair stylist - or have you changed professions before Rock'n Style?
I have always been a barber/hair stylist.

What makes Rock'n Style different than all the other hair salons around?
The first thing that the customers seem to say is that "Rock'n Style looks like a 'man cave' and for me I think it represents or looks like me or my home.
The next thing is that the theme colours are my favourite colours: black, white and red - so there is quite a bit of contrast.  I like pure colours and I like having vivid bright colours with something contrasting - same with dying hair too!

Would you like to expand yourself as a franchise some day if given the opourtunity?
No because I feel that Rock'n Style is me and my place and that is why they come here and it would never be the same as the original.  So I think one place is enough and it is not my ambition to open many places or create a franchise or brand of Rock'n Style like that.

Metallica CD cover art
And the matching CD!
Could this be a Finnish cultural thing - not wanting to show off or have too many ambitious ideas?
I never thought of it this way but I feel having only one location is more relaxed and mellow.

What is the challenge of being an entrepreneur/hair stylist given the competition around?
I actually don't think about the competition because I am not a competitive person by nature.
I mainly think about if the customers are happy and that they go home happy after visiting us.
That is my main focus.

What is Finnish education like in terms of hair stylist school?  What is required to graduate?
Hair styling school is technically a 3-years long program but because I went to Lukio for 3 years - I was able to shorten my hair-styling education by a year and only did 2 years program.

We learned only the basics of hair cutting and styling - colouring hair, cutting it, washing it and perms...we also had to do some reading of course like about micro-chemistry.  But working with customers hair is the best teacher of course!

Were you able to experience working with different cultures' hair types?
No unfortunately not because Loimaa is a small place and our customers we worked with were mostly elderly Finnish people.

Later I have learned how to handle different cultured/styles of hair by just doing it.

What is something you wish people knew about being a hair stylist?
I wish people knew more about what it was like to be an entrepreneur.
Sometimes people are checking if I raised the prices a bit and then they get upset but there are so many factors and reasons why entrepreneurs have to do this.

What is something you wish people would STOP doing to their hair?
I wish customers would stop going from one extreme colour to another - or bleaching it at home then expecting a miracle from a hair stylist to correct it and make it the colour they wanted.
Going from extreme hair colour to another takes time and steps to do it successfully.

What is something you wish people WOULD do more of with their hair?
I think using appropriate products to maintain their hair especially after a new cut or style!

What are the pros and cons of your job?
  • I have a very flexible time table and work schedule!
    • I have weekends off!
    • Being an entrepreneur gives me the freedom to make my own shifts
  • Quite regular customer base so I have a comfortable work relationship with those customers.
    • I get to socialize with people!
  • I am very lucky with my co-workers as well.  
    • Linda has been working with me for ten years or so.
    • Petra rents a chair and has been working with me for about a year.
    • Nelli has also worked many years with me but is currently away.
  • I tend to work longer evening shifts.
  • Because I am an entrepreneur I don't get:
    • sick leave
    • official holidays
But this is normal for an entrepreneur.

What are your earliest memories of cutting or playing with hair as a child that you remember?
Immediately Olli laughs and says loudly: "MY POOR SISTER!"
I was about 2nd or 3rd grade (about age 8-9) and my sister was as young as kindergarten or first grade (6-7 years old) and our mom was on the phone and we asked if we could "go play barber".  She was busy on the phone and said okay!

So I tried cutting my sister's bangs to create a new parting line in the middle because I was so young I didn't know you just needed a comb for that!😆
Of course, she had her school photos the next week...

If you ever made a mistake while doing someone's hair - what was the best mistake you ever made?  Did the customer notice it and how did they react?!
The customer wanted to have her bangs dyed bright purple from ear to ear and leave the rest a very white-blonde.
Well, during washing after dying it - the purple leaked and her white-blonde hair went to a pastel purple instead.
I was very worried she wouldn't like it but I showed her and she was really happy thankfully!

What is Rock'n Style's specialty - if any?
We have been told that customers say "We have a bold way to cut and dye hair."
But my method is - "If the customer want it - we do it."
Whatever could be considered "radical or extreme" hair cut to someone else is just a normal day for me.

What was your targeted age group when coming up with the Rock'n Style concept?
Actually - none.  We did not have a targeted age group - of course we don't get many kids but some of our customers are having children and now bringing them to us - so we do get some children in for their hair cuts.  We have hardly any grandpa customers - which is a real shame!  Because they are so fun!
We actually have some older women clients and they tend to be more open-minded, have a bit more attitude (in a good way!) and are more young at heart.

It's actually interesting that older people question if they are allowed to come inside because the company name is "ROCK'n Style"...and of course they can!

Do you find first-time customers come in knowing exactly what they want or is there a bit of a guessing game - or is it totally spontaneous with what they're willing to do with their hair?
All of it.  It can be all of those above and then I mix in my own spice to it and we together mix it up to get a hair cut or style the customer likes!

Can someone who is interested in donating their hair to cancer patients for wigs go to you?
What is the process that goes into this?
We can measure off and cut the hair off in pig-tails and also cut and style the hair afterward - but we are not providing the donating service.  
Customers can come with their washed already that day or we will wash the hair if it's dirty.
Customers have to mail their ponytail donations themselves.  One place is Little Princess Trust. 

There is no fixed price for this service - it is based on time spent washing the hair, cutting the ponytails then properly cutting and styling it.

How do new customers find you usually?  
Usually by word of mouth - which is the best and worst way because anything (both positive and negative) can be said - it is an extremely powerful way for new customers to find Rock'n Style.
Sometimes people just walking by and dropping in and also via Instagram & Facebook.

Some customers have said that random people sometimes stop them and give a compliment about their hair.  That kind of information feels good and let's us know we have done a good job! 😀

How big is your team at Rock'n Style?
We are a team of four altogether but one is studying another field so she may leave Rock'n Style for that career path after graduating.

It is clear that rock music has defined you and your you think it has made any kind of impact on your job or career choice?
Well, for me - rock music is my own way of living.  In 2005 I worked at Funky Star (a hair salon and fashion clothing shop) and the music was everything I did not like - too much pop, rap, shit music - ALL DAY.
So I already thought to myself, 'If I ever have my own place - it will play rock music!!'

All trimmed! 😁
What did it take to go from hair styling school to where you are now?  Did you "rent a chair" right after graduation and what does that even mean?
I went straight to a salon after graduating.
So after I graduated from Loimaa in 2002 I went to work at a hair salon called "Hiusstudio Teija" in Ikaalinen, where I am from, and I moved to Turku in 2003.
I then went to ammattikorkeakoulu to study estenomi for about 12 months and then I quit.  It was like a play-school - I didn't learn anything I didn't already know.

Rent a chair means you rent a chair in a salon somewhere and you usually bring your own scissors.
Normally all the other products like capes, machines, dyes, water, electricity etc. - is covered by the owner of the salon.
For example, deducted from your pay is 40% to be paid to the owner to cover those expenses and then the worker gets 60% and from that is the regular expenses like your taxes and pension etc are deducted.
With rent a chair employees - you just do your job and it is less risk for the owner of the salon because they do not have to pay your sick leave or official holidays.

What do you want people to know about Rock'n Style?
Our customer base is primarily 20-50+ years old with more women than men.  And we really do welcome everyone of every age and gender.
We can also do big hair makeovers to little ones!
People are so fixated on the shop title name that they think they can only come in if they have that "rock star" look or personality - and that is not true.  Perhaps some people think "Rock Music" is for "really old people" and they're scared of the name and style of music - but we can do a variety of styles for a variety of ages.

We have an easygoing environment and attitude!

Where do you see Rock'n Style in 12 months, 5 and 10 years?  When did Rock'n Style open?
I don't think much will change in a 1, 5 or 10 years.  And we opened about 11 years ago.

Are you ever bored of your job?
No - sometimes maybe a teeny-tiny bit but really everyday is so different.  There's always different customers and different stories and many of our customers are like friends - so it's nice to see them at work!
I really like my job and after having a holiday break - I am totally fine going back to work whereas many people dread it.

If you could style any celebrity's hair - who would it be?
Michael Monroe for sure!! He is a rock dude.
He actually lives nearby and every time I see him walk by I hope he will come inside but it hasn't happened yet!

Did you design the inside of Rock'n Style?
Yes mostly and I built some of the interior as well.  Before Rock'n Style it was a painting/art and poster shop.

What product line does Rock'n Style sell?
We primarily carry Four Reasons."

You can find Rock'n Style on Facebook, Instagram and book an appointment on their website here.
And if you are a student - with a valid student ID card you get -10% off your hair cut (excludes colouring, perming etc - only the cut) and if you have the "Slice" student card app - you get 10% off the hair cut too.
But as a first time customer, using the Slice app - then you get 20% off everything - colouring included.
You can be served in English and Finnish.

I want to thank Olli and his team at Rock'n Style for meeting with me to have this interview and for the fantastic service for my quick trim too!


If you're interested in being featured in my blog - please don't hesitate to contact me at:

learningaboutFinland (a)

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