Wednesday 19 February 2020

LAFA Experiences: Meeting My 1st Finn

Believe it or not - my first experience meeting a Finn was back in 2006 and in Canada.
I had absolutely 0 intention of moving to Finland - why would myself or my at the time spouse bother?! -  so meeting a random Finn at the local pub was culturally exciting as it was.

I was the designated driver for my group of neighbours that wanted to go see the World Hockey Championship game on the bigger screen.  My (now ex) spouse was out of country at a conference and I had nothing else to do - so why not?

I went to hold down a table while the guys went to get a drink and there this guy approached me at my table...

"Hi, are you from Japan?" he asks boldly and cheerfully.
"Uh, no - I am from here...." I respond quite confused and mildly irritated at this possible drunk guy using a shitty pick-up line.
"Oh so you are a Canadian?! NOT from Japan?" - him genuinely confused.
"Yep...100% Canadian.  You're in my town," I say firmly.
"Oh okay.  Well, I *dramatic hand flaring gestures* am from ....Finland," he proudly announces.
This piques my interest and I inquire if he's a student or on exchange or what and he advises me...I kid you not -

"I am THE WORLD'S BIGGEST Ice Hockey Championship fan ever!"

By this point I am convinced he is plastered beyond belief as it was quite a bold statement (I have 0 interest in hockey actually) and who calls it "ice hockey"?!
Apparently Finns do - that's who.

So he advises me he is here for the championships and I am blunt with him in the nicest East Coast Canadian way possible...

"So you traveled all the way from Finland to Halifax, Nova Scotia in Canada to watch the hockey a bar on a television screen?"
"Noooo I have tickets for X games and finals of course!"

That makes more sense.

My friends are approaching and he quickly darts off and before he does leave - he does suggest I visit him in Finland.

No Whatsapp number, Facebook friend request or even a name.

I laugh and shrug it off - honestly why would I move to Finland?!

"Thanks buddy but I have no reason to go to Finland.  Enjoy your stay though!" I cheerfully wave him off and that's it.


I am absolutely 26 weeks pregnant, confused and arrive to Finland and am mortified I will meet that guy from Cheers who said I should visit him in Finland...I don't really remember what he looks like but what if he popped up out of nowhere and called me a liar for not coming to Finland?!  LOL ridiculous I know but the thought still runs through my mind - 10 years later.

Anyway 6 years later...
I am on a Tinder date...yeah not what you think.  I am divorced and meet a nice father of 3 who is - obsessed with hockey.
Ice hockey - obviously.

And I share this story about the first time I met a Finn and while we are eating pasta - he says, "Yeah - I know that guy."

You know how in movies the stunned actress (usually) is eating and begins choking or food falls out of her mouth and she doesn't look so graceful anymore?! Yeah...that was me - not choking but food falling out of my mouth....realllllly classy.

"WHAT?!" I begin flipping out.

Tinder Date confirms the description of the guy and location because Hockey Dude IS the biggest fan and travels anywhere the International Ice Hockey Federation championship games (IIHF) play.  He has been to my city....Tinder Date and Hockey Dude happened to be good friends so he messaged him and inquired if he remembered me...

"Well, good thing is he probably lives in a larger city like Helsinki, Tampere or elsewhere.." I mumble as I try to eat my pasta like an adult instead of a toddler with no teeth.

"Nah - he lives in Jyväskylä actually..." - Tinder Date continues to eat like it's no coincidence or big deal.

I begin to alternate between "OMG" and "SHUT UP!" and "NO WAY!" and internally trying to think if my subconscious had tucked the images of Hockey Dude so far away that I may have walked past him in the last few years and had no idea....and he probably thought I was just another exchange student or the other popular stereotype - a Thai married to a Finn. 😂

And there you have it ladies and gentlemen...the tale of meeting my 1st Finn.

And there's no sequel to that Tinder Date because we magically never met again...gee I wonder why? LOL

The End.


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